Thursday, April 5, 2012

This is it.

This is when I start it all. Tumblr just wasn't cutting my needs to blog.So why start a blog? There are so many thoughts rushing through my mind every second of everyday, and I can never seem to get them written down fast enough or even understand why I'm thinking what I'm thinking. I want to be able to look back and re-read everything. Then decipher those dreams that I can't quite put my finger on. I just want to write. I could write every second if I had the time.A perfect writer is definitely something I'm not, but I have hope that I can strengthen what I do have now.
So who am I?
Let me start off by introducing myself. My name is Brenda(:
A 17 year old girl who is just itching to get out of this small town. yeah predictable right? Well things haven't been as easy for me. There are hundreds of reasons for wanting to leave that I could state at any moment. Just given the chance to vent to someone so trust worthy and I could spill my life story. Get the chance to meet me and you wouldn't even know I had experienced half the things that I have.
I could even manage to start spilling everything right now, but I won't. We'll just let it simmer in your mind. Let you think and wonder. You'll eventually find out more and more about me.
However, I can tell you I'm the eldest of 3 children. Not only that but I basically sacrifice(d) my childhood for my brother and sister. Even though I have a mom and a recently new father. I love them to death..but being the oldest is just not fair.
I've recently found myself. I can truly say that.
I found God,fully and truly, this past summer.Yes, I still do make mistakes. I diverge from the path, but I find my way back. I'm not perfect, no where near that but there is Grace. My faith is a big part of my life and will remain that way too.
 I made one of the best decisions in my life, which would be to go to a Career Tech School to get further ahead in what I want to be. What is that exactly? A photographer, yeah predictable again right? Well, when we were all little and we were asked what we wanted to be, everyone replied with a different answer every single time. Though from day one for me a photographer was it. No lie. So what better thing to do then study in the Multimedia field at the Career School. Which is by far one of my best decisions in life.
Then within this school year I've come to truly find out who my real friends are and who will always be there.
I also happened to find a certain someone.yes,actually a special someone(:
That special someone goes by the name of Zach. The best thing to happen to me in a very long time. He keeps me together. I've not found someone like that in quite a long time. This one is special guys, I can promise you that. You'll be hearing more and more about him as I continue this blog(:
Finally there are my parents.
A single mom of 3 kids who has recently remarried. A new dad that I couldn't be happier with.
The relationship with my mom fluctuates more than the hills of a roller coaster. It's gotten worse lately but hopefully that changes. Let's cross our fingers and pray?
My dad, or recently new stepdad. The kindest man you will ever meet. I can tell you right now I'm quite close to him and he is way easier to talk to then my other parent, but oh well. I'm grateful that there is one who listens.
So what will this blog consist of? who knows to be honest.
It could become almost like a diary, or maybe a place to write stories. How about a mixture of both?
We'll just have to what and see what becomes of it all.

As of right now I have no idea how I will sign out of every entry. Maybe be the same witty sentence every time or a new one every time. I'm not even sure what it will be as of right now.

Vive Ut Vivas <3

1 comment:

  1. I love watching newbies, even though i am sorta one myself. well, i'll be your first follower. if you need help, advice or just wanna chat, just throw us an email. :-)
